Elevit is a once-daily pre-conception & pregnancy multivitamin
Categories : Brand ,  Elevit ,  Adult Vitamins , 
Elevit is a once-daily pre-conception & pregnancy multivitamin that has been specifically formulated to help support your baby's healthy development from conception.
Planning to fall pregnant? Elevit is a once-daily pre- conception & pregnancy multivitamin that has been specifically formulated to help support your baby's healthy development from conception. It can take time to build the higher level of nutrients your body will need to support you and your growing baby. Therefore, Elevit should ideally be taken from at least one month prior to conception, and then throughout your entire pregnancy.
No other pregnancy multivitamin contains more folic acid and iron (1). Elevit also contains a high level of iodine and other important vitamins and minerals. Folic acid is clinically proven to reduce the risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida(2), iron helps in the formation of the red blood cells and helps prevent iron deficiency while iodine assists in the baby’s brain development. It is Australia's number 1, most trusted pregnancy multivitamin(3).